Fun Fiddle Membership /Become a Friend of Fun Fiddle

Fun Fiddle Membership and Friend Scheme

Our weekly Thursday evening groups are kept at very low cost to ensure music making being accessible for all. However, as a way of supporting Fun Fiddle to cover tutor, website, and event costs, we encourage you to join Fun Fiddle as member. There are three options:

  • Annual membership fee £75 (£50 concession)*. Your membership will run for a year from the date you join. Members are asked to make their payments directly to us. Please contact us for payment information
  • Become a ‘Friend of Fun Fiddle Suggested donation £25 or more. Pay through DONATE button below.
  • None of the above and pay a drop in CASH payment of £6 when you join in our adults Thursday night group session at the Wash House.

Fun Fiddle Membership benefits:

This entitles you to discounted access to the weekly fiddle groups at The Wash House – CASH payment of £4 , £2 concession* (£6 non member)

A once a month discounted fiddle class with Fun Fiddle tutor

Discount for Fun Fiddle guest workshops across the year

*Concession rate applies to those on Job seekers benefit, retired but without pension, or students.

Become a Friend of Fun Fiddle

In addition to, or as an alternative to becoming a member, we are grateful for your support as a Friend of Fun Fiddle. A suggested donation of £25 or more contributes towards opportunities for playing together either at local community events, or exciting events that arise. Your kind support enables us to make things happen and for all to take part. Please donate below!


Become a friend of Fun Fiddle
Suggested annual donation £25 or more: